Mount Whitney
Whitney Peak

Mount Rainier
Rainier from Paradise

Adams Mountain
دشت آزو مسیر صعود به قله پاشوره

Mount Major
Sunrise Hike

Looking Glass Rock
As The Light Fades

Lassen Peak
Mount Lassen, June 2019

Mount Shasta
Avalanche Gulch, May 2020

Clingman's Dome
Sunbeams in the Smokies

Clingman's Dome
Sunbeams in the Smokies

Mount Washington (New Hampshire)
Mount Washington, Presidential Range, White Mountains, NH

Mount Washington (New Hampshire)
Wild cat Lookout

Mount Hood
Beautiful View

Mount Hood
One Step at the time

Telescope Peak
Up to 11-2020

Peaks of Otter
Peak reflection

Mount Sneffels

Mount Saint Helens
View of Rainier from South Rim

Half Dome

El Capitan

Medicine Bow Peak
Medicine Bow