Mount Ellen (Vermont)
colors are out

Adams Mountain
دشت آزو مسیر صعود به قله پاشوره

Mount Major
Sunrise Hike

Looking Glass Rock
As The Light Fades

Clingman's Dome
Sunbeams in the Smokies

Clingman's Dome
Sunbeams in the Smokies

Mount Washington (New Hampshire)
Mount Washington, Presidential Range, White Mountains, NH

Mount Washington (New Hampshire)
Wild cat Lookout

Peaks of Otter
Peak reflection

Mount Mansfield
Changing seasons

Cannon Mountain (New Hampshire)
Top of Cannonball Quad Lift

Mount Kearsarge (Carroll County, New Hampshire)
View of North Conway

Mount Mitchell (North Carolina)
Meeting the Clouds

Mount Chocorua
Summit View

Lincoln Peak (Vermont)
Summit of Lincoln Peak

Mt Jefferson

Mt Tecumseh
Mount Tecumseh, White Mountains, NH

Mount Kearsarge (Merrimack County, New Hampshire)
Barlow Trail 11/27/16

Roan High Knob
The Roan in Winter

Grassy Ridge Bald
Grassy ridge