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Lat: 46.0472 Lat:
Lon: 7.8972 Lon:
Pennine Alps
4027 m m
GMT + 1.0h GMT + h (use "-" for negative timezones, as in the US)
July, August
Saas Fee
Basic Snow and Ice Climb
The Allalinhorn is located above the ski slopes of Saas Fee. The building of the Metro Alpin tube train to the Mittel-Allalin (3456 m) just below the North-East Face has turned the mountain into one of the easiest to climb 4000 meter peaks of the Alps. It is about a two hour climb from the top station of the lift to the summit via the North-West Ridge. The North-East Ridge and the North-East Face are included in "Walliser Alpen Die 100 Schoensten Touren" (Walliser Alps the 100 Finest Routes ) by Michel Vaucher with Gaston Rebuffat. The classic East Ridge ( Hohlaubgrat ) is the most popular route from the Britannia Hut.