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EXAMPLE: CHO POLU DATA NEW MOUNTAIN DATA (try to fill as many boxes as possible)
Cho Polu
Lat: 27.9191 Lat:
Lon: 86.9819 Lon:
Greater Himalaya
Central Nepal Himalaya
6695 m m
GMT + 5.0h GMT + h (use "-" for negative timezones, as in the US)
Namche Bazar
Basic Snow and Ice Climb
Strange-shaped peak, between Lhotse (8501m) and Makalu (8463m); close to Everest. The easiest approach is from the Barunglacier, over the east ridge. Directly to the west; on the other side of the Lhotse-Shar-glacier rises Imja Tse, or Island Peak (6173m); this is a much more crowded summit.