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Lat: 38.6667 Lat:
Lon: 75.35 Lon:
Tibet and Central China
7719 m m
GMT + 8.0h GMT + h (use "-" for negative timezones, as in the US)
June, July, August, September
Kashi, China
Major Mountain Expedition
Kongur is the highest mountain in the Kunlun Shan. Despite its great height, Kongur remained undiscovered until 1900, due to its remoteness and its position behind other high peaks. After its discovery, another 56 years passed before it was first attempted, and another 25 years passed before the summit was finally attained. The mountain is a towering wall, and it's high summit is a steep rugged pyramid. An equally impressive though slightly smaller peak called Kongur Tobe (24,918 ft.), rises to the high peak's immediate north. The smaller peak was first successfully climbed in 1956 by the first Kongur expedition, when the party realized that the main summit was too serious an undertaking. Today the mountain is relatively easy to approach, located just off the Karakoram Highway.