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EXAMPLE: MOUNT BAILEY DATA NEW MOUNTAIN DATA (try to fill as many boxes as possible)
Mount Bailey
Lat: 43.15 Lat:
Lon: 237.783 Lon:
Pacific Coast Ranges
Cascade Range
United States
2551 m m
GMT -8.0h GMT + h (use "-" for negative timezones, as in the US)
June, July, August, September
Roseburg OR
Walk up
This mountain was not named for anyone with the name "Bailey" It was called "Old Baldy" or Mt. Baldy. It is beleved that it was recorded as Mt. Bailey because of porr handwriting. This mountain and "Diamond Lake" at it's base is a great place to go year round. The lake is great for boating and fishing (trout & salmon). Lots of nice camping. In winter Mt Bailey is a popular ski resort. It is a Snowcat sking Mt. with no lifts. As far as climbing Mt Bailey there is a trail that leads up to the top. The trail is 5 miles long and the Elevation gain is 3,068 ft. This make this a Moderate walk up to the summit. This makes it good for someone new to climbing. Then when you are done you can go across OR Hwy 138 and climb Mt Thielsen 9182 ft, or visit Crater Lake National Park about 6 miles from Diamond Lake. and climb Mt Scott 8923 ft.