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Mount Meru
Lat: -3.25 Lat:
Lon: 36.75 Lon:
East Africa Mountains
Northeast Tanzania
4566 m m
GMT + 3.0h GMT + h (use "-" for negative timezones, as in the US)
December, January, February, March, June, July, August
Arusha, Tanzania
Walk up
Mount Meru is a volcano which rises just 44 miles west of Kilimanjaro. Though comparatively small, Meru is equally spectacular, with slopes that rise up at incredibly steep angles. It is partially shattered, as its east face was blasted away during an eruption at some point in its past. Though Meru's summit is rocky and barren, its slopes are highly fertile, with many streams and thick forests. Located in Arusha National Park, Meru and its surrounding terrain is home to a large population of animals, including elephants and lions.