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Mount Sanford
Lat: 62.22 Lat:
Lon: 215.87 Lon:
Alaska/Yukon Ranges
Wrangell Mountains
United States
4949 m m
GMT -8.0h GMT + h (use "-" for negative timezones, as in the US)
June, July, August
Gulkana, Alaska
Major Mountain Expedition
Mount Sanford is an ice-covered volcano. It is the farthest north and most visible mountain of the Wrangell Range, its icy dome towering south of the Tok Cut-Off Highway. Mount McKinley (20,322 ft.), 230 miles west, has been reportedly sighted from Sanford's summit, which would make this one of the longest lines of sight possible on the surface of the earth, given the right atmospheric conditions.The easiest way to reach the summit is by Sheep Glacier. It is rated at Alaska Grade I so shouldn't be very technical. It is 16.8 miles in length.