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Quandary Peak
Lat: 39.3972 Lat:
Lon: 253.894 Lon:
Rocky Mountains (USA)
Central Colorado Ranges
United States
4348 m m
GMT -7.0h GMT + h (use "-" for negative timezones, as in the US)
June, July, August, September
Walk up
Quandary Peak is tied with Castle Peak as the 12th highest peak in Colorado. It is the highest peak and only fourteener in the Ten Mile Range. It is just South of Breckenridge. The most popular and easiest route up is via its long and gentle East ridge. This peak is also a great winter climb and ski descent, due to its excellent access and gentle slopes. Additional text submitted by Ted Eliason The South 'Cristo' Couloir is a consistent 45 degree slope from base to summit. It can be climbed in roughly 2 to 5 hours depending on pace (I took me 4 hours, the fastest climbers on the mountain 5/27 completed the climb in two hours right behind me). The couloir itself is fairly sheltered from the wind and makes for good cramponing. The pitch is too steep to rely on skis with skins alone. There was snow cover from the summit to the base on 5/20/00. By 5/27/00 a large rock band was exposed in the slope near the summit, preventing a ski decent starting from the summit. Sunhit in the couloir was around 730 am, with snow conditions becoming optimal for skiing around 1030-1100 am. Climbers on the summit that took the East ridge claimed the slope was gradual enought that crampons were not required, even though there remained some snow cover.