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Slide Mountain
Lat: 41.9991 Lat:
Lon: 285.1667 Lon:
Catskill Mountains
United States
1274 m m
GMT -5.0h GMT + h (use "-" for negative timezones, as in the US)
May, June, July, August, September, October
Walk up
This is the highest mountain in the Catskills and is a popular climb during every season of the year. There are superb views from the summit ledge which has a plaque dedicated to John Burroughs. You can see all the other 34 Catskill peaks above 3,500 feet from locations around the summit. The easiest route is from Slide Mountain Road in the west. A harder route is over Wittenberg and Cornell Mountains from Woodland Valley Campground. Slide is inconspicuous from outside the Catskills but is a major landmark when seen from any one of the Catskill peaks.