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Snowdon Photo: 'Stunning sunrise over Snowdon' by Patrick Ford

Stunning sunrise over Snowdon
user: Patrick Ford (6 photos)
photo taken at: 8:46 am 19 Jan 2020

Stunning sunrise over Snowdon

United Kingdom | Snowdon

Average rating: 4.3
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I'd been waiting for a perfect weather window for some months and only decided to head up to Snowdonia the night before! After a nighttime start, a 3 hr hike, on an icy track, I was rewarded with one of the best summit mornings I've experienced. The views stretched as far as the eye could see, there was a little cloud inversion and perfect, still conditions, as high pressure sat over North Wales. Crib Goch look very tempting but I listened to my common sense voice and rejoined the Pyg back.