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EXAMPLE: TVILLINGENE DATA NEW MOUNTAIN DATA (try to fill as many boxes as possible)
Lat: 65.4466 Lat:
Lon: 12.0225 Lon:
Scandinavia/European Arctic Ranges
980 m m
GMT + 1.0h GMT + h (use "-" for negative timezones, as in the US)
May, June, July, August, September
Tvillingene (the Twins, 945 and 980) a part og The Seven Sisters (De sju Søstre).Sandnessjøen Tourist Association has marked trails to each of the summits so that you can go safely from top to top on your own. There are books on each summit where you can sign your name. If you climb all the peaks you are eligible for a special diploma as proof of your achievement. Registration cards and maps of the trails are available at Sandnessjøen tourist information centre.