Lone Peak climbing notes shared by Mountain-Forecast users

  • May 04, 2016
    Brandon Fowler from United States

    Bring lots of water in the summer months! I had two bottles and still had to refill with my water filter. There is a spring off of the Cherry canyon trail off the base of the giant sagebrush field where the cherry canyon and the Jacobs ladder trial meet. This is a good route but it's a little longer. Skipping this detour to the spring, the Jacob's Ladder Trail is the fastest and the steepest route to the summit. Both the Trail of the Eagle and the Cherry Canyon Trail are longer and prettier in my opinion. At the beginning of summer there is water off the Jacob's Ladder Trail as you reach the cirque at the top of the mountain. Both the Trail of the Eagle and the Cherry Canyon Trail can be accessed by the Orson Smith trail head. Walk up the trail next to the bathrooms and keep going up until you reach the BST trail. Continue on the BST north until you reach the Cherry Canyon trailhead sign. To get to the trail of the Eagle, Continue on the BST north and you'll find the trail marked with a sign. you can join onto the trail before or after the suspension bridge. The Jacob's Ladder trail can be accessed by driving up the dirt road at the Orson Smith trail head. The trail starts across the road from the outhouse.