Mount Gede climbing notes shared by Mountain-Forecast users

  • August 08, 2019
    Rachmat Suharjo from Indonesia

    Registration for climbing Mount Gede-Pangrango is done at least 30 days before climbing. Online booking can be done via the TNGGP official website at

    H t t p : / / booking dot gedepangrango dot org

    Gunung Gede has three official routes.

    1. Cibodas pathway

    It is recommended for novice climbers with neat paths.

    average grade of 20 to 40 degrees

    from this path can also access to Pangrango mountain via the rhino pen post.

    2. Putri Pathway

    Short path with an average incline of 40 to 45 degrees

    3. Salabintana pathway

    The longest path is quite gentle, dominated by very dense tropical forests.

    Best view along the track.

    1. Suryakencana. (will only be passed if through the Putri pathway, and Salabintana pathway)

    2. Madalawangi (only on Mount Pangrango, access entry via the rhino pen post)