Uludag climbing notes shared by Mountain-Forecast users
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(NOTE: Texts may be edited by our content team for the purposes of ensuring accurate and relevant information)
March 03, 2021
yerli from Turkey
öncelikle uludağ zirve rotası wikiloc programında mevcuttur.
alpin bölgeden ayrılmadığın sürece rehber alman gerekmez.
ekim ayında hava durumuna dikkat etmen gerekebilir.
Çünkü uludağda hava çabuk sertleşir.
Barometrenin hızla düştüğünü farkedersen dağı terketmen gerek.
Oteller bölgesi ile zirve tepe en az 3 saat sürer.
Bu mevsimde kar muhtemelen olmaz.
Teleferik biletlerini teleferik gişesinden alabilirsin.
Dağa hafta sonu gidersen çıkışta ve inişte biraz bilet sırası bekleyebilirsin.
ama erken gidersen teleferiğe erken binersin.
Ayrıca Tophane semtinden uludağa minibüsler kalkar.
Minübüs dolunca kalkar. tarifeli değildir.
Charter gibi düşün.
Cevap geç kaldı ama belki siz de tırmanışı ertelemiş olabilirsiniz.
İyi eğlenceler.
Editor's English translation below:
Uludağ summit route is available in the wikiloc program.
As long as you are not leaving the alpine region, you do not need a guide.
You may need to pay attention to the weather in October.
Because the weather gets harsher quickly in Uludağ.
If you notice the barometer falling rapidly, you should get off the mountain.
From the hotel area, the peak takes at least 3 hours to reach. In October there is probably no snow.
You can buy the cable car tickets from the cable car booth.
If you go to the mountain on the weekend, you can wait for a little ticket queue up and down.
but if you go early you will get on the cable car early.
There are also minibuses to Uludag from Tophane district.
When the minibus is full, it goes up. It's not scheduled.
Think of it like like a charter.
This answer is late for you, but maybe you too could delay the climb.
Have fun.
September 26, 2019
Steve & Dee from United States
We're thinking of hiking up Uludag on Oct.16 or 17th. Is snow in the forecast? Maybe hike up and take the telefer down?
How much is RT telefer? Can our hotel Tarabya sell
us the ticket for the telefer? Do we need a a guide?
October 22, 2017
Emrah from Turkey
Nowadays, no rain, so no snow. I suggest you to come in December. But if yo want to ski, come in 2019
September 13, 2017
Eiman from Qatar
I want to come to Bursa, Turkey in November, will be a snow this month ????
(NOTE: Texts may be edited by our content team for the purposes of ensuring accurate and relevant information)
yerli from Turkey
öncelikle uludağ zirve rotası wikiloc programında mevcuttur.
alpin bölgeden ayrılmadığın sürece rehber alman gerekmez.
ekim ayında hava durumuna dikkat etmen gerekebilir.
Çünkü uludağda hava çabuk sertleşir.
Barometrenin hızla düştüğünü farkedersen dağı terketmen gerek.
Oteller bölgesi ile zirve tepe en az 3 saat sürer.
Bu mevsimde kar muhtemelen olmaz.
Teleferik biletlerini teleferik gişesinden alabilirsin.
Dağa hafta sonu gidersen çıkışta ve inişte biraz bilet sırası bekleyebilirsin.
ama erken gidersen teleferiğe erken binersin.
Ayrıca Tophane semtinden uludağa minibüsler kalkar.
Minübüs dolunca kalkar. tarifeli değildir.
Charter gibi düşün.
Cevap geç kaldı ama belki siz de tırmanışı ertelemiş olabilirsiniz.
İyi eğlenceler.
Editor's English translation below:
Uludağ summit route is available in the wikiloc program.
As long as you are not leaving the alpine region, you do not need a guide.
You may need to pay attention to the weather in October.
Because the weather gets harsher quickly in Uludağ.
If you notice the barometer falling rapidly, you should get off the mountain.
From the hotel area, the peak takes at least 3 hours to reach. In October there is probably no snow.
You can buy the cable car tickets from the cable car booth.
If you go to the mountain on the weekend, you can wait for a little ticket queue up and down.
but if you go early you will get on the cable car early.
There are also minibuses to Uludag from Tophane district.
When the minibus is full, it goes up. It's not scheduled.
Think of it like like a charter.
This answer is late for you, but maybe you too could delay the climb.
Have fun.
Steve & Dee from United States
We're thinking of hiking up Uludag on Oct.16 or 17th. Is snow in the forecast? Maybe hike up and take the telefer down?
How much is RT telefer? Can our hotel Tarabya sell
us the ticket for the telefer? Do we need a a guide?
Emrah from Turkey
Nowadays, no rain, so no snow. I suggest you to come in December. But if yo want to ski, come in 2019
Eiman from Qatar
I want to come to Bursa, Turkey in November, will be a snow this month ????