Whakapunake climbing notes shared by Mountain-Forecast users

  • June 09, 2022
    Robert Martelletti from New Zealand

    Access to the mountain must be obtained from the owners who are the Iwi at Te Reinga or farm manager. The access is via locked gates. The terrain is rugged with pine trees on 60% of the mountain and the rest in native bush and tussock at the higher altitudes. The entire mountain is covered in dolines and shafts that are typically 40 to 80 metres deep, so care must be taken as they can act like a funnel. Should these caves be of interest, then you should contact a caving club, that is the New Zealand Speleological Society.

  • November 12, 2018
    Douglas from New Zealand

    Access is via Hikurangi forests block is Pohaturoa 8km vehicle drive to the top branch then to access the northern summit another 15 minutes on the northern road depending on road conditions you may be able to drive up the the top gate though more likely you'll need to walk it. From the gate walk through the pines to the bush edge head directly east (you might find a old possum trapping line which will take you directly east through the native) until you reach the large gorge (approx 3 hours. From here you may find a old track going down into the gorge and skirt the scrub on the other side in the native it opens up and is easy to move through along the ridge, continue to the trig. Approx total time 8hours return (this is only the time from the northern road gate to the trig and back it does not include the time to drive up).